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Sergeant Billie Granville Strickland

Echo Company

Battalion Landing Team 2/26

Sgt Billie Strickland. Photo courtesy of Larry McCartney.

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Sergeant Billie Granville Strickland,  Sarasota, Florida, age 20.


Died in an intense mortar barrage on LZ Margo on September 17, 1968.


Friend and fellow Marine Roy E. Clark of Shawnee, Oklahoma, remembers Sgt Billie Strickland: "He was the best damn Sergeant the Marine Corps ever had." (Virtual Wall, 2007)


Larry Jackson, who survived the mortar barrage on LZ Margo said, "He was tough and his family can be very proud when his name is brought up as a Hero.


"He fought with everything he had until his end. Thank you for everything, Sgt Strickland. I will never forget you."

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