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LZ Margo Interviews

VFW Interviews


In 2015, Veterans of Foreign Wars staff writer Robert Widener began researching the battle of LZ Margo, which was fought in Vietnam's DMZ area on September 16, 1968. The vivid narrative he wrote was published as a chapter in the VFW's book "Brutal Battles of Vietnam".


Widener recorded these interviews with Marines who fought in the battle and with the brother of a Corpsman who died of wounds suffered in the battle.

First Lieutenant Kent Wonders (Alfa Command Group)

Kent Wonders (S-3) - Robert E. Widener, VFW Interview

Major Jarvis Lynch (Battalion Operations)

Jarvis Lynch (S-3) - Robert E. Widener, VFW Interview

Lance Corporal Cavan Cox (Recon Platoon)

Cavan Cox (Recon) Part 1 - Robert E. Widener, VFW Interview
Cavan Cox (Recon) Part 2 - Robert E. Widener, VFW Interview

Mike Eisenbraun, brother of Hospitalman David L. Eisenbraun (Recon Platoon)

Mike Eisenbraun, brother of David Eisenbraun (Recon) - Robert E. Widener, VFW Interview

Corporal Bruce Pilch (81s Platoon)

Bruce Pilch (81s) - Robert E. Widener, VFW Interview

First Lieutenant Alan Green (81s Platoon) and First Lieutenant Dale Wittler (Echo Co.)

Alan Green (81s) and Dale Wittler (Echo) Part 1 - Robert E. Widener, VFW Interview
Alan Green (81s) and Dale Wittler (Echo) Part 2 - Robert E. Widener, VFW Interview

Private First Class Dale Pack (Echo Company)

Dale Pack (Echo) - Robert E. Widener, VFW Interview

Captain John Cregan (Echo Company)

John Cregan (Echo) Part 1 - Robert E. Widener, VFW Interview
John Cregan (Echo) Part 2 - Robert E. Widener, VFW Interview
John Cregan (Echo) Part 3 - Robert E. Widener, VFW Interview
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