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One Good Deal After Another (continued)

Terrain Along the Cam Lá»™ River


It took a few days but all three rifle companies made it to the high ground north of Margo relatively unscathed despite the fact that they were far from alone during the climb. The Command Chronology relates a seemingly endless series of contacts and short fire fights with small enemy units.

Slide 24 - View of Hotel Company's Posit

Terrain along the Cam Lá»™ River is rugged and exposed in this view from LZ Margo. Photo by Thomas Roadley.

All three companies reported finding abandoned enemy bunkers and bivouac areas as well as bloody bandages and abandoned enemy equipment.


When they reached the high ground, the companies fanned out and joined the 1st Battalion, 9th Marines in the search for enemy troops and positions. They encountered few enemy troops and some abandoned bivouac areas.

Typical NVA Fighting Position.jpg

A typical NVA fighting positiion. Photo by Kent Wonders.

What they did find in a surprising number were hidden enemy ammunition caches, some quite large, and various types of enemy equipment, including weapons. These were destroyed.

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(c) 2023, DMZ Rats of Battalion Landing Team 2/26. All rights reserved.

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