The past week has been a difficult one with the spread of the Coronavirus throughout our country. I hope everyone is doing well and staying healthy. It seems so strange to have schools, churches, restaurants, bars, theaters, etc. closed. Lauren and I went to the grocery store today and didn't see any hoarding of food or water as we have the past few days. Actually, things were normal except for the lack of paper products. Hopefully, things will return to normal sooner than later. Take care of yourselves and God Bless. Semper Fi
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All so very well said Steve. Much of what you say, except for the family since I have no wife or children, applies to me. One (1) point in particular really 'hit home' for me; "I know that I've lived 52-years longer than those who sacrificed their lives at LZ Margo. I know that I've gotten to experience so many things in my life that they never did." For the longest time I felt like I was the only survivor, or @ least the last of a very few and I felt guilty for that survival. I carried the burden of trying to uphold the memory of all those who were there and tell their story; to recognize and represent them. Yet, I felt so inadequate for the job. I feel like I've failed in that representation. I also felt a huge, 'boiling pot' of anger @ what I can only describe as the betrayal we experienced @ LZ Margo. That burden, the feeling of inadequacy and the anger have eased somewhat over the years, as I met more and more men who made it out of there and came home to lead useful, productive lives. So while I'm eternally grateful to God for all he has given me, I continually pray that I use my time, the time so many were denied, fruitfully. Anyway, thanks for your thought provoking words Steve. God bless one (1) and all. ~~ Semper Fidelis!!!
We've been "sheltering in place" here in Illinois now for about 3 weeks. To be honest, I've lost track. What I find even more mystifying is that I've lost track of what day of the week it is. One of my favorite sayings since I retired is, "Every day is a Saturday, " but now I've forgotten what Saturdays are like. Everything seems to run together. My measuring stick of having lunch with my buddies, church, meetings, etc., etc. have all disappeared. I've quit watching the news because quite frankly, it's depressing.
I never thought I'd be afraid to go to the grocery store out of fear of getting sick. Actually, I enjoy grocery shopping and love talking to the ladies in the deli at our local store. Now I'm afraid they're going to contaminate me. My lovely wife, Lauren, decided to venture out yesterday and pick up some things that we needed. She really scored and found paper towels, toilet paper, and meat at Sam's. It was like winning the lottery! Amazing how such simple things amuse me.
I've been reaching out to my friends by texting and making phone calls. I need that human contact and most of all, I need to hear their voices. Lauren and I have also been texting and FaceTiming with our children and grandchildren, but it's not the same as physically being with them. The one thing I've come to realize is that we often take for granted those who mean the most to us. We don't always share things with them and more importantly, we don't tell them enough that we love them.
I had the most amazing telephone conversation with Mike Matera yesterday. We talked at length about LZ Margo and the impact it's had on our lives . . . even to this very day. We also talked about those we left behind and how they'd give anything to be here to have to "shelter in place," search for toilet paper, paper towels, and other essentials. Makes our problems seem pretty petty, doesn't it? We also talked about God and how He has transformed our lives. Accepting Him into my life is the best thing to ever happen to me and it has transformed my life. I'm truly at peace for the first time in my life.
It's so easy to get caught up in the hype and negativity that the media bombards us with every day. As I said, I've quit watching the news. I'm tired of hearing the same thing over and over. Even 2-day old news is "Breaking News." You've got to love the sensationalism. I know our country is in crisis. I also know that the blessings in my life far outweigh the negatives. That's what I focus on. I know that I've lived 52-years longer than those who sacrificed their lives at LZ Margo. I know that I've gotten to experience so many things in my life that they never did. Regardless of the tragedies in my life, I'm so extremely blessed. Today I choose to focus on my blessings. We are Marines, and Marines never quit. God Bless and stay healthy. Semper Fi
Lima Papa Two (2), if all secure click your handset twice. ;-)
Before long "sheltering in place" will be our new normal. We'll get through this. It has given me the opportunity to get a bunch of little projects done that I've put off for quite awhile, which makes Lauren happy. I just wish the weather was a little nicer. We got about 3" of snow last night. Looks like a winter wonderland this morning. Enjoy your quiet time and beer. Semper Fi
Pretty much the same here on my mountain in Western North Carolina Steve. Am 'bunkered in' @ home, which is on the side of a mountain with my closest neighbor @ least a half (1/2) mile away--with lots of trees and plateaus in between. Have plenty of supplies, other than beer of course since you can never have enough beer. :-) So have extremely little likelihood of an infection. Am just working around the house, reading and using the computer to keep updated on current events. Had no travels planned, so the impact has been minimal. Guess maybe I better start getting my taxes organized so I can get them done. ;-)
Take care everyone.
Semper Fidelis and God Bless America!!!