We recently received this message from Kerry Koper of Fox Company. He has joined the site and can reply to any comments.
Hello. I am L/Cpl Kerry Koper and I served with Foxtrot 2/26 from 5/68 to 12/68...
Below are some pics, the one with the mortar is just a fun poser pic I was an 0311 but a guy in mortars gave me his 45. The other pic is just after landing I don't know where exactly. Anyway now you know hopefully I am who I am.
James Rinehart was my squad leader till he was killed by artillery round, I was knocked to the ground along with Zimmo as we were digging our foxholes. I don't know if this happened before or after Margo.
I remember that we were starving for three days waiting for clouds to go away and get supplies choppered in. Finally they did and we all got quite a few c-rations and I got a new pair of boots. It was late morning or so and we were eating, then he heard mortars maybe three of them going off and continuing.
Our squad was on the extreme left flank quite aways from where HQ was, they were hit the hardest. I remember when I jumped into my foxhole my new boots were covered in orange slop, I laughed, I also continued eating and glancing. We shot down the slope initially but there were no enemies coming up the hill.
Semper Fidelis