One night during the slog through the DMZ, two of us with TACP made a birthday cake for Capt. Dewey, one of the air officers. We used a pound cake and melted a crispy chocolate disk for frosting. He didn't make it to the reunion in Detroit, but Capt. Greeley, our other air officer called him and we were able to talk briefly about the night he was presented with the cake.
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Great memory. I celebrated my 19th birthday at MCRD San Diego. Had I not been wounded, I would have celebrated my 20th birthday in Vietnam.
Great memory Ron. Everybody that survived a year in the Nam "celebrated" a birthday someplace there (mine was at a relatively safe Con Thien). What a spot for Captain Dewey's!
Kent Wonders took a photo of the command group on LZ Margo that included Capt Ken Dewey scanning the ridgelines around LZ Margo with his binoculars. The first mortar attack came shortly afterward.